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New Jersey video production blog of Yeti Nest Films

...The Adventure Begins!

Nick Patrick

It was a hectic lead-up to the nest's launch date. I was up till 4:30 am packing. Kessiah and I worked on the rig right on up to the final minute the next day. She placed all the bedding and made it all cozy looking. She also hand wove some great handles things such as the silverware drawer and hanging plant vase. It was an overwhelming feeling of seeing the nest all come together for the very first time and having to get on the road. Nothing can prepare you for leaving your home for a long tour, especially having to say goodbye to the ones you love. I wanted to get together with my friends and family to show them the Yeti Nest and see them before I left. Unfortunately, time didn't allow. I was really bummed about that, however I was just happy Kessiah was there. We took some photos of us together, and then said our goodbyes. I hate goodbyes, they are never easy. I realized how lucky I am to have someone that makes saying goodbye so hard. "Goodbyes are not the end. Goodbyes are not forever. They simply mean I'll miss you until we meet again." ...And here we go!