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New Jersey video production blog of Yeti Nest Films

Ghost Waters, A Story of the Looming Deep Waters That Never Came.

Nick Patrick

Ghost Waters, one of our earliest projects, and one of which we continue to be the most passionate and proud is a fascinating story of the 20+ year struggle locals had to face in the midst of the looming Tocks Island Dam Project, a massive dam and reservoir on the Delaware River which would have dramatically changed the PA, NJ, and NY region as we currently know it.  The film is a tribute to the locals who were affected, their sacrifices, homes lost, and their rigorous efforts to fight against damming the last major free flowing river east of the Mississippi.  Ghost Waters tells the dynamic story of deep history, loss, preservation, and environmental success. The project was the thesis film of Yeti Nest Film's Director Nick Patrick from his studies at the School of Visual Arts in 2007. It remains a favorite amongst the locals of his home area, in which the story is based.